Monday, February 27, 2012

Lamb and Bacon Wrapped dates!

Never made lamb before, my dad usually makes it on the grill!  I would have to say my first attempt was awesome!

8-9oz Lamb Steak
Coconut oil
3 cloves garlic, minced
fresh ginger, grated

High heat in coconut oil sear each side of lamb. Turn down to medium heat and add the garlic. I push the lamb to outside of pan and put garlic in center for a minute or so then place the lamb on top of garlic. Grate fresh ginger to taste on top with a little salt and pepper. I cooked on low roughly 8minutes each side!

Bacon Wrapped Pitted Dates

Preheat over 350
Line cookie sheat with foil, shinny side down. Cut uncurred bacon slice in half and wrap around the date and use a tooth pick to keep in place. 
I cooked roughly 10-15min or until it looks done
Enjoy they are amazing!

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